Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

Its Christmas once again and we are soooo thankful. We are thankful for our loved ones and happy to be getting through these hard times. We were very thankful to spend the holiday with the ones we love but really missed some who were far away. Next year we will be home. I cannot believe that I have not put my tree up for three years! Those who know me know that this is a grievous injustice that must be rectified next year. Anyway, we started on Dec 23 as the younger kids had many places to be. There were no complaints of an early ETA for Santa. We were with Chad Angie, the kids and Angie's family which included her Mom and Dad, sister Cindy, brother in-law Derrick and gorgeous little elf like daughter Amelia. Then on Christmas Eve Gary, Chad and I got over to Jeff's place. Gyttie and her family, Tim and their brother Adrian were there. Gyttie also picked up Jeffery's daughter Kourtney another darling little girl. Fun was everywhere, we laughed and of course teased the children until they got in trouble for being disrespectful! (not much trouble) Anyway what a great end to a year. We love and miss all who are not close. See you soon. Chris & Gary

What a trio!

Kourtney, Jeffery's little girl
Gary ready to PARTY!

Donald & Gyttie

Jeff & I trying to get someone to cry!

Silver Bells

These two girls are beautiful. Lexi down below is a remake of her Grandmother Wendy. Emmie to the side here should be a beauty queen but prefers football.

Me and my baby

Buster (little Donald) trying to act surprised but really just wants me to go away.

Santa is here!

Angie's Sister, Brother in-law and gorgeous
little girl Amelia

Santa's little helper

Chad and his little helper.

Tyler hoping I'm done

Amelia just being herself.

Elf Stud Tyler preparing for the

Friday, September 12, 2008

River Rafting

Well, this is my first blog in the family of blogs that seem to be growing. I may as well jump into the new age and get with the rest of the folks. We recently went river rafting on the Stanislaus River. It really was nice. The American River is just about played out, I guess unless you like stepping on beer bottles, having insults hurled at yourself and loved ones, you know the sort. Anyway, a beautiful peaceful day in the gold country Sierra Mountain foothills was in order. Anyway, just checking in with all. We will be signing papers on our new home next week! Any takers for moving? I didn't think so. I have previewed the pics on John and Cindys decision 2008, the pool going in. Looks like fun! Who knew they had that yard out there? Any Cito's little pictures that Laurel just sent are as cute as a button. Not much going on here at the French Camp RV park. Status quo, work in - work out. Enough for this blog. Will update and continue to view all who are attached. Good will and see you soon. Chris